Our Toolkit

We use a range of tools with our clients

Myers-Briggs Personality Type Indicator (MBTI)

MBTI®is a great self-awareness and team building tool both inside and outside work. It identifies preferred ways of working, how you take on information and make decisions and promotes positive interactions with others. We have used this tool for teams wanting to build their understanding of each other and so create a more effective and cohesive team.

It is particular useful in improving team communications and understanding individual style and approaches.

Learn more about Myers-Briggs Personality Type Indicator (MBTI)

Belbin is best used in the workplace to identify the personal role each team member contributes. The model advocates nine specific roles which are required to ensure a high performing team. Its strength is that the individual discovers their unique contribution to the team. This tool is best used with to identify the role each team member contributes and ensuring a high performing team.

Learn more about Belbin
Hogan – take leadership to the next level

Hogan Assessments give leaders a clear understanding of their performance capabilities, challenges, and core drivers, and provides them the strategic self-awareness that makes good leaders great. Unfortunately, as many as two-thirds of the people currently in leadership positions will fail, leaving companies with damaged reputations, disheartened employees, and lower revenues. Failed leadership is often the product of flawed interpersonal behaviours that prevent leaders from forming and maintaining a productive team. The key to success is building a leadership team whose abilities and aspirations match the organisation’s future needs.

Learn more about Hogan – take leadership to the next level
Occupational Personality Questionnaire (OPQ)

OPQ is excellent in supporting recruitment decisions and the personal development for senior and middle management executives. It invites candidates to describe their behaviour, preference and attitudes, in relation to different aspects of their working life. The candidate’s responses are then compared against those of a large relevant comparison group to give a profile of the candidate’s perceived preferences at work.

Learn more about Occupational Personality Questionnaire (OPQ)